Starting a Project in DaVinci Resolve

Getting Started in DaVinci

Click on photos to view them in better quality.
Getting Started

Before opening DaVinci Resolve organize your media into a folder on an external hard drive so it’s all in one area. You can make folder for videos, photos, and audio among other organizational folders.

When you open DaVinci Resolve it will open in the Project Manager. Choose Untitled Project to start a new project.


Saving Project

To save your project, which you should remember to do frequently, go to the Home button on the bottom right corner and in the popup window, right click on the project you want to save. Choose Export Project Archive, choose the location and name of the saved Archive. Click OK and your project will save. Saving your project this way, as an Archive, will ensure your media stays with the project so videos don’t get lost and unlinked.


You should always save your projects on an external hard drive rather than on the lab computers because the media will be deleted after you log off.

Importing and Organizing Media

The program will open in the Cut workspace but, this tutorial is made to be used in the Edit workspace. To navigate to the Edit workspace, choose Edit at the bottom middle of the screen.

The top left panel is the Media Pool where you can drag and drop files from Finder. A popup will ask about using the frame rate from imported clips and you can click change to do so.

The master folder contains any folders that you created in Finder before importing them to DaVinci.

You can right click in the media pool to add a new bin where you can organize media that wasn’t organized before importing.

Click these buttons to change the way media is listed in the media pool such as icon view or list view.