
Whether you are new to research and looking for information about how to get started, or you are an active undergraduate researcher looking for resources and support, UROP is here to help.

Begin by looking through the information on this page to find the content that best fits your needs.

If at any point in the process you have questions, can’t find a resource, or think of something that would be helpful that we don’t provide, please contact us

New to research?

If you’re new to research we suggest you begin by looking through the information in the Getting Started tab on this page. Once you feel ready to start planning schedule an advising appointment.

UROP also holds office hours on Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm in Global Scholars Hall Rm 104.

Already conducting research?

If you are already conducting research and are looking for program opportunities and/or other resources and services, feel free to go directly to the Research Opportunities or Research Support Resources tabs on this page.

Prospective Students

We encourage you to check out the variety of programs and resources available to UO students and read more about the fascinating student research going on. If you have any questions about undergraduate research at the university feel free to reach out to us at

Knowing where to start can be difficult. This portion of the UROP website is designed to help guide you through the process of getting started in research and creative scholarship.

We have created a UROP student planning worksheet for you to use as you progress through these sections.  You can use this worksheet to take notes, gather your thoughts, and begin to plan.

Once you’re ready, begin exploring the following topics. If you are brand new to research we suggest visiting each topic in the order presented here.


1. What is research and creative scholarship? 2. What is undergraduate research and creative scholarship? 3. Research and creative scholarship in your discipline.
4. Exploring a topic. 5. Getting advice. 6. Narrowing down your interests.
7. Making a decision. 8. Starting doing research

Programs at the University of Oregon

The University has programs available to students from every major. Pay attention to program details and deadlines, as they can vary quite significantly.

External Opportunities

Many institutions in the United States and around the world have research programs that University of Oregon students can participate in.

Presentation Opportunities

There are many opportunities for undergraduate students to present their research or creative scholarship at discipline specific conferences as well as interdisciplinary conferences.

Publication Opportunities

Undergraduate students can submit their research papers to a variety of journals that are both oriented towards undergraduate work and the broader field of scholarship.



Students can schedule a meeting with UROP (contact to discuss the following:

  • Planning for a research experience
  • Finding a position
  • Finding internal/external research programs
  • Finding funding
  • Presenting or publishing your research

Responsible Conduct of Research

Conducting research ethically and responsibly is incredibly important for a variety of reasons including objectivity, integrity, academic rigor, avoiding conflict of interest, and protecting human subjects and animals.

UO Library


BrowZine allows for electronic browsing of online journals in an easy to use and functionally designed format. Gone are the days of clunky journal searches. Get started at

Subject Librarians:

The UO Library has Subject Librarians that are appointed liaisons to the university’s academic departments and programs.  They are available to assists students with accessing information resources that will meet your research and creative scholarship needs.  Find your Subject Librarian:

Research Space

The UO Library keeps a listing of research spaces that are available to UO undergraduate students: 

Research Guides:

The UO Library has extensive Research Guides categorized by subject.  These guides include information on getting started in research in specific subject, a list of scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, and much more.  Find the research guide for your subject area:

Citation Guides and Management Software

This UO Library has created a guide that contains a select list of resources for properly citing your sources and avoiding plagiarism: