2019 VPRI Undergraduate Fellowship Recipients

UROP is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 VPRI Undergraduate Fellowship. For more information about the program visit the VPRI Fellowship website

Kayla Walker

Major: Linguistics

Faculty Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk

Project Title: The Role of Semantic Predictability in Adaptation to Non-Native Speech

Abbey Ward

Major: Communication Disorders and Sciences

Faculty Mentor: Stephanie De Anda

Project Title: Language Dominance in Bilingual Spanish-English Children

Arden Saravis

Major: International Studies & Mathematics

Faculty Mentor: Clare Evans

Project Title: The Correlation Between Stigma Stemming from HIV and Antiretroviral Packaging: Design Recommendations for Introducing Discrete Packaging for Adolescents in Kenya

Konrad Bailey

Major: Psychology

Faculty Mentor: Santiago Jaramillo

Project Title: Neural and behavioral assays for studying predictive coding in the mouse brain

Byron Lee

Major: Human Physiology and Biology

Faculty Mentor: Ashley Walker

Project Title: Robo4 Project

Jacob Evarts

Major: Computer and Information Science

Faculty Mentor: David Garcia

Project Title: Identifying New RNA-regulating Prions in Yeast

Anna Kulawiec

Major: Biology

Faculty Mentor: Eric Selker

Project Title: Differentiation between PRC2 and H3K27 Methylation in Repression

Nora Kearns

Major: Human Physiology

Faculty Mentor: Elinor Sullivan

Project Title: The Influence of Maternal Fatty Acids and in Utero Inflammation on Child Behavior

Dagny Daniel

Major: Cultural Anthropology 

Faculty Mentor: Ana-Maurine Lara

Project Title:Navigating the Intersections of Political and Sexual Identity: Ethnographic Interviews among Queer Muslims in Oregon

Sabrina Raqueno-Angel

Major: Human Physiology

Faculty Mentor: John Halliwill

Project Title: The Effect of pH on Histamine Release

George Deardorff

Major: Biology

Faculty Mentor: Scott Stewart 

Project Title: Characterizing the role of Dach during bony ray branching in the zebrafish caudal fin skeleton

Hayli Brown

Major: Linguistics, Japanese

Faculty Mentor: Kaori Idemaru

Project Title: Acoustic Sources of Accent in Second Language Japanese Speech

Kara Krnacik

Major: Economics

Faculty Mentor: Edward Rubin and Melissa Graboyes

Project Title: The Effects of Abstinence-Only Funding on Teen Pregnancy and STD Rates

Adeline Fecker

Major: Biology

Faculty Mentor: Philip Washbourne

Project Title:The Influence of Sensory Systems in Social Behavior of Zebrafish

Nolan Rudolph

Major: Computer Science

Faculty Mentor: Ramakrishnan Durairajan

Project Title: New Capabilities for Self-Driving Networks

Chaney Hart

Major: Biology

Faculty Mentor: Eric Selker

Project Title: Dissecting The Role Cohesin Plays in Influencing the Structure of the Genome in Neurospora crassa