2019 Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellows

UROP and the Oregon Humanities Center are pleased to announce the 2019 Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellows. For more information about the program visit the HURF website

Cydnie Davenport

Major: Linguistics and Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies  Faculty Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk

Project Title: Dialect Variation in English: An Investigation into the Disappearing Word Effect

Violet Fox

Major: Anthropology   Faculty Mentor: Lamia Karim

Project Title: “I can make people in my tears”: An Urban Anthropological Study of Homeless Women in Eugene Oregon

Alice Harding

Major: History   Faculty Mentor: Lindsey Mazurek

Project Title: Migration in the Bronze Age Near East

Anika Nykanen

Major: English and Humanities   Faculty Mentor: Mark Whalan

Project Title: Literary Racialization: The Function of Children in Southern Gothic Literature

Ally Shaw

Major: Asian Studies and Linguistics  Faculty Mentor: Kaori Idemaru

Project Title: The Role of Intonation in Japanese Politeness

Kendra Siebert

Major: Journalism and Advertising   Faculty Mentor: Peter Laufer

Project Title: An Exploration of Urban Art as Cultural Testimony Throughout Social Movements in Mexico City and Oaxaca

DeForest Wihtol

Major: English and Spanish  Faculty Mentor: Kate Myers

Project Title: Caliban Yisrael: The Jewish “Other” in Shakespeare’s The Tempest and The Merchant of Venice

Scott Zeigler

Major: English  Faculty Mentor: Gordon Sayre

Project Title: Antagonistic River: The Agency of Nature in Northwest Fiction