What is the Undergraduate Symposium?

The UO Undergraduate Symposium celebrates the remarkable contributions our undergraduates make to research and other creative work in a wide range of disciplines. The 5th annual Undergraduate  Symposium is scheduled for Thursday, May 14th 2015.

The Symposium aspires to engage undergraduates in the research mission of the University of Oregon by supporting the creation and dissemination of knowledge,  while inspiring younger undergraduates to seek out research opportunities and removing barriers to interdisciplinary education and discourse.

The Symposium enables undergraduates to  share their ideas, discoveries, and artistic expression with the campus and local community. The Symposium invites students to select their preferred style of presentation to best accommodate their projects. Held in the EMU in the mode of an academic conference, the Symposium will include poster sessions, oral presentations and exhibition space for performing and fine arts.

Since 2011 over 400 students representing 30 majors and five colleges have presented original research and creative work.

Who participates in the Symposium?

The Symposium is open to all UO undergraduate students from across the disciplines and colleges who are performing  individual or collaborative research as part of course, thesis, major, or laboratory.  The Symposium is also an ideal venue for students of the performing and fine arts to share their work with a larger audience. Faculty mentors are also encouraged to nominate students for the Symposium.

What kind of research, projects or works are accepted?

Individual and group presentations–poster, oral, and creative works–are welcome.  The abstract submission allows teams to register multiple authors/presenters. For more detailed information on the types of presentations click here.

Can I present ongoing research?

Yes. Posters can be presented at almost any stage of a research project and are an excellent way to get feedback on work in-progress.  Typically, students who have been doing research for 2 quarters are in a good position to present a poster.  If possible, discuss your research progress with your faculty and research mentors. They should assist you in the abstract writing process.

Does my research have to be current (i.e. conducted this year)?


Can I submit multiple research projects?


I have a question about writing/creating/formatting an abstract/presentation/poster.

There are a lot of helpful tips and tricks here. If you have a question that is not answered on the website feel free to email us at ugresearch@uoregon.edu.

When is the submission deadline?

Abstracts are due March 18, 2015.

When and where is the Symposium held?

The symposium is held May 14, 2015 from 11 AM-7 PM in the EMU ballroom and adjacent rooms.

Is the Symposium competitive?

The symposium as a whole is not competitive, it is simply a way for undergraduates to come together and share their research with others. There are some awards that are offered for certain types of research and presentations, for more information click here.

Who can attend the symposium?

That symposium is free and open to the public, so feel free to invite any friends, family, and mentors to come view your presentation.

Can I volunteer at the symposium?

Yes. If you are interested in volunteering email ugresearch@uoregon.edu.