Research Map
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Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon
Palau, Micronesia {Fitzpatrick}This project involves the investigation of early human adaptations in the limestone Rock Islands. Research involves excavation of the Chelechol ra Orrak rockshelter, the earliest known cemetery in Micronesia (ca. 3000 – 1700 BP), as well as a number of other nearby sites used prehistorically as fishing camps.
Carriacou, Grenada [Fitzpatrick]For more than 10 years, research has focused on excavating Ceramic Age (ca. AD 300-1300) coastal village sites, particularly Grand Bay and Sabazan, to investigate island settlement patterns, subsistence strategies, and exchange systems.
Cambodia [Carter]Dr. Carter is dedicated to studying the archaeology of Southeast Asia, and especially the archaeology of the Angkorian civilization in Cambodia.
Mustique, St Vincent and the Grenadines [Fitzpatrick]This project has focused on an island-wide survey of Pre-Columbian sites and the excavation of several sites to examine locations with good evidence for early colonization (ca. AD 300-500) and how findings compare to other islands in the Grenadines, including Carriacou.
Nevis, St Kitts & Nevis [Fitzpatrick]Research here has included excavation at the Late Ceramic Age site of Coconut Walk, a coastal Amerindian village along the eastern side of the island, which is providing good evidence for the later stages of prehistoric human subsistence activities.
Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida [Fitzpatrick]A new project in conjunction with Dr. Traci Ardren (University of Miami) and Victor Thompson (University of Georgia) that began in December 2014 is the first systematic archaeological research in the Florida Keys since the 1950s
Sitka, AK [Moss]This is the epicenter of the commercial sac roe fishery for herring in Southeast Alaska. In the Archaeology of Herring project, Moss is gathering archaeological samples from across Alaska to study their ancient DNA and compare past genetic diversity to that of the present.
Quinhagak, AK, [Moss]Nunalleq archaeology site, Moss will be joining Rick Knecht and his team from University of Aberdeen in order to sample herring bones from southwest Alaska.
Brookings, OR [Moss]Moss and her students have been examining bulk samples of Tcetxo fish from this site, excavated by Rick Minor and HRA. The harbor was badly damaged in the 2011 tsunami. We are finding tiny fish bones; stay tuned for our results.
Angoon, AK, [Moss]This is the community where Moss did her dissertation work. She is currently re-analyzing collections made in 1949-50 by Frederica de Laguna to better understand Tlingit use of sea otters and seals in a project supported by the Sealaska Heritage Institute and IPinCH.
Lomako, Democratic Republic of the Congo [White]réserve naturelle de Lomako-Yokokala, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The N’dele site has a long research history on two communities of bonobos: the Bakuma and Eyengo communities. In 2009, research expanded to include the Iyama area at least one new community.
Dall Island, Alaska Kit n Kabooble [Moss]At this site Moss identified occupational deposits from both people and from land otter. This study will appear in 2015, B.C. Studies.
Israel [Baxter]Baxter’s research focuses on the politics of identity among displaced persons, women, and indigenous peoples in colonial and postcolonial societies. Her area focus is the Middle East, in particular Israel/Palestine.
Palestine [Baxter]Baxter’s research focuses on the politics of identity among displaced persons, women, and indigenous peoples in colonial and postcolonial societies. Her area focus is the Middle East, in particular Israel/Palestine.
Burkina Faso [Dueppen]Dr. Dueppen studies authority and power in egalitarian societies, with a focus on the archaeology of Voltaic and Mande communities in western Burkina Faso, West Africa. His research emphasizes the dynamism of these societies over the past 2000 years
Mouhoun, Burkina Faso [Dueppen]Since 2004, He has directed excavations at Kirikongo and neighboring sites in Mouhoun Province, Burkina Faso.
Senegal [Dueppen]He has collaborated on several archaeological projects in Senegal.
Ireland [Erlandson]Research and teaching interests include the development of maritime societies, historical ecology in coastal environments, human evolution and migrations, the peopling of the Americas, the history of seafaring, traditional technologies, dating methods in archaeology, geoarchaeology, cultural resource management, and collaborative research with indigenous communities
Alaska, USA [Erlandson]Research and teaching interests include the development of maritime societies, historical ecology in coastal environments, human evolution and migrations, the peopling of the Americas, the history of seafaring, traditional technologies, dating methods in archaeology, geoarchaeology, cultural resource management, and collaborative research with indigenous communities
California, USA [Erlandson]Research and teaching interests include the development of maritime societies, historical ecology in coastal environments, human evolution and migrations, the peopling of the Americas, the history of seafaring, traditional technologies, dating methods in archaeology, geoarchaeology, cultural resource management, and collaborative research with indigenous communities
Oregon, USA [Erlandson]Research and teaching interests include the development of maritime societies, historical ecology in coastal environments, human evolution and migrations, the peopling of the Americas, the history of seafaring, traditional technologies, dating methods in archaeology, geoarchaeology, cultural resource management, and collaborative research with indigenous communities
Colombia [Escallon]Dr. Maria Fernanda Escallón is a socio-cultural anthropologist and archaeologist interested in cultural heritage, race, diversity politics, ethnicity, and inequality in Latin America.
Brazil [Escallon]Dr. Maria Fernanda Escallón is a socio-cultural anthropologist and archaeologist interested in cultural heritage, race, diversity politics, ethnicity, and inequality in Latin America.
Paris, France [Escallon]Based on multi-sited ethnographic research in Colombia, Brazil, and UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, her work shows that while heritage recognition brings visibility to the cultural practices of Afro-descendants, it also masks the deep-seated struggles of minorities, and cements categorical boundaries within and between ethnic groups.
Afar, Ethiopia [Frost]Stephen Frost is a paleontologist and morphometrician interested in evolutionary theory as well as human and primate evolution. His research on late Miocene to Pleistocene East African cercopithecids (the Old World monkeys) has focused on describing material from the Afar Region of Ethiopia, as well as the relationship between African cercopithecid evolution and global climatic change.
Tanzania [Frost]He has been participating in fieldwork with the Gona Research Project in the Afar region (directed by Sileshi Semaw) since 2004 and has been involved with a paleontological field work in Tanzania, France, and Greece
France [Frost]He has been participating in fieldwork with the Gona Research Project in the Afar region (directed by Sileshi Semaw) since 2004 and has been involved with a paleontological field work in Tanzania, France, and Greece
Greece [Frost]He has been participating in fieldwork with the Gona Research Project in the Afar region (directed by Sileshi Semaw) since 2004 and has been involved with a paleontological field work in Tanzania, France, and Greece
Berlin, Germany [Karim]She is a Fellow at the IGK Research Center ‘Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History’ at Humbolt University /re:work Berlin Germany
Bangladesh [Karim]Women and Social Change in Bangladesh is a study of the changing roles of Bengali Muslim women from colonial to postcolonial modernity.
Australia [Lee]My work deals primarily with the transition from hunting and gathering to dependence on farming for food, and has been featured in media outlets ranging from scientific journals to NPR.
China [Lee]My work deals primarily with the transition from hunting and gathering to dependence on farming for food, and has been featured in media outlets ranging from scientific journals to NPR.
Indonesia [Lee]My work deals primarily with the transition from hunting and gathering to dependence on farming for food, and has been featured in media outlets ranging from scientific journals to NPR.
Korea [Lee]My work deals primarily with the transition from hunting and gathering to dependence on farming for food, and has been featured in media outlets ranging from scientific journals to NPR.
Vietnam [Lee]My work deals primarily with the transition from hunting and gathering to dependence on farming for food, and has been featured in media outlets ranging from scientific journals to NPR.
Trinidad and Tobago [Scher]I researched the Trinidad Carnival and its relationship to cultural identity, migration and tourism. While in Trinidad I also explored the politics of religious identity within the Orisha community of practitioners
Barbados [Scher]I have been working in Barbados on the politics of heritage and historic preservation. I am interested in the ways in which people interact with and think about their own historical sites. I was fortunate to have been able to do research on the World Heritage site in Barbados before, during and after its official designation by UNESCO.
Bulgaria [Silverman]Focusing on Bulgaria and Macedonia as well as on Balkan Romani immigrants to North America and western Europe, she has investigated the relationship among politics, ethnicity, ritual, music, and gender. She also explores the phenomenon of “Gypsy” music in relation to issues of appropriation, representation, and the negotiation of identities in the world music market.
Macedonia (FYROM) [Silverman]Focusing on Bulgaria and Macedonia as well as on Balkan Romani immigrants to North America and western Europe, she has investigated the relationship among politics, ethnicity, ritual, music, and gender. She also explores the phenomenon of “Gypsy” music in relation to issues of appropriation, representation, and the negotiation of identities in the world music market.
Sakha Republic, Russia [Snodgrass]Since 2001, I have conducted research in northeastern Siberia as part of a collaborative research project (The Indigenous Siberian Health and Adaptation Project) that includes scientists from Russia and the United States. Morona-Santiago region of Ecuador: The Shuar Health and Life History Project is a collaborative research project that I co-direct with Larry Sugiyama. The goal of the Shuar Health and Life History Project is threefold. First, we are investigating the effects of market integration on Shuar health. The project focuses on the effects of cultural and economic change on growth and nutritional status among Shuar kids, as well as the changing pattern of chronic disease prevalence (e.g., cardiovascular, metabolic, and skeletal health) among Shuar adults.
Mexico [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
El Salvador [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
Guatemala [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
Brazil [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
Chile [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
Paraguay [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
United States [Stephen]Her scholarly work centers on the impact of globalization, migration, nationalism and the politics of culture on indigenous communities in the Americas. She engages political-economy, ethnohistory, and ethnography to create a hemispheric lens on major challenges faced by indigenous peoples (out-migration, tourism, economic development, and low-intensity war) and their creative responses to these challenges.
Ecuador [Sugiyama]Dr. Sugiyama has conducted fieldwork among the Achuar, Shiwiar, Shuar and Zaparo forager-horticulturalist groups of Ecuadorian Amazonia.
Peru [Sugiyama]Previously he worked with the Yora of Peru and the Yanomamo of Venezuela.
Venezuela [Sugiyama]Previously he worked with the Yora of Peru and the Yanomamo of Venezuela.
Gabon [Ting]Dr. Ting’s research involves the use of genetics and genomics to address a variety of questions regarding the evolution, behavior, and ecology of the non-human primates.
Uganda [Ting]Dr. Ting’s research involves the use of genetics and genomics to address a variety of questions regarding the evolution, behavior, and ecology of the non-human primates.
Yap, Federated States of Micronesia [Fitzpatrick]
Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia [Fitzpatrick]
Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia [Ayers]
American Samoa [Fitzpatrick]
Grenada [Fitzpatrick]
Barbados [Fitzpatrick]
Curaçao [Fitzpatrick]
Oregon [Fitzpatrick]
Wyoming [Fitzpatrick]
Panama [Fitzpatrick]
Dominican Republic [Lara]
Haiti [Lara]
Puerto Rico [Lara]
Cuba [Lara]
Peru [Lara]Research starting soon.
Spain [Lara]Research staring soon.
Vietnam [Ulibarri]
Haiti [Escallon]
Germany [Silverman]
New York, NY [Silverman]
Homa, Kenya [Blumenthal]
Turkana Basin, Kenya [Blumenthal]
Chololo Ranch, Laikipia, Kenya [Blumenthal]
Nairobi, Kenya [Blumenthal]
Albertine Rift, Uganda [Blumenthal]
Tanzania [Karim]
Rapa Nui, Samoa, Hawaii [Ayers]
Thailand, Taiwan [Ayers]
Greece [Ayers]
New Mexico [Ayers]
Washington D.C. [Richlin]
Long Beach, CA [DuBois]
New Hampshire [DuBois]
Vermont [DuBois]
Rhode Island [DuBois]
Chicago, Illinois [DuBois]
Boston, Massachusetts [DuBois]
London, UK [DuBois]
Bali, Indonesia [DuBois]
Monteverde, Costa Rica [DuBois]
Bulgaria [DuBois]