Pondicherry: Land of “Life of Pi”

Welcome to our series of posts for UOAA Learning and Leisure Travel’s upcoming tour to South India from February 1- 15, 2019. We hope the resources we share here both help you become inspired to join us and provide information you need to get the most out of your educational travel experience!

Ang Lee’s 2012 film “Life of Pi” earned four 2013 Oscar wins, including Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Original Score, and Best Visual Effects. The opening of the film takes place in Pondicherry, India.

Since a majority of this tour will be based in and around the fascinating town of Pondicherry, we will begin by suggesting that you visit (or re-visit) what is perhaps the most popular recent reference to the former French colonial capital: Life of Pi, the book and movie. You may also enjoy this photo series on sites in Pondicherry that featured in the book.

Furthermore, our tour will include one day with an optional visit to Sivaranthagam sacred grove, featured briefly in a scene in which Pi speaks to his teenage love interest. The scene takes place in front of a beautiful banyan tree; the story of this tree and its caretaker Maheshwari is a beautiful and incredible one detailed in this gorgeous video by Scroll.in. Watch the video – you won’t be sorry!


Yann Marftel’s 2001 Book Life of Pi won the 2002 Man Booker Prize.

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