The article I chose is about how men and women approach the beginning to relationships. There are all of these “rules” about what roles men and women should uphold when starting a new relationship. Women are supposed to play hard to get and are supposed to seem uninterested. Men are supposed to be charming and show that they have something to offer. But why has society made these so-called rules that everyone is expected to understand? It would make more sense for a woman to act interested in a man if that be the case instead of waiting for the man to chase her. The author, Dennis Hong, makes an intriguing comparison to his car. He recalls not having enough money to buy a new car, so he decided to put the little money he had into painting his old one. His friend then proceeded to ask him “why would you want to gift wrap a turd?” Not only is this comical, but completely true. When getting to know someone, why would we not just be ourselves and act the way we really feel? Behaving in ways that are not true to ourselves would not make for a happy, honest relationship anyway. Yet, we continue to do it to ourselves. Hong also talks about being attractive both in the physical and mental sense. It is difficult to achieve both of these, but it is possible if we ignore the strategies that society has created. I find these topics of relationships to be extremely interesting because everyone can relate to them. We have all been in relationships where we wish we would have acted differently; or if we follow the rules or break the rules and how that affects our relationships. It is often scary, yet brave, to be completely honest and open up front with the people we surround ourselves with. Maybe once people are more comfortable in their own skin, this would be less of an issue and more people could have healthy dating relationships.