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How to Move Forward When You are Stuck in a Blizzard

Posted in The Connections, and Uncategorized

The most recent blog post was about scheduling our rest, but what happens when productivity isn’t an option. In the event of something like a blizzard productivity gets buried underneath feet of white.

On Jan. 28 the count of cancelled flights from the Blizzard of 2016 was 13,400. That’s a lot of missed appointments.

In public relations, as well as many other fields, deadlines are crucial. A lot of work is built on teams, and if you don’t complete your part the whole group fails. When something like a blizzard happens, it can seem debilitating. This is where one of the greatest tools for public relations, and for time management, comes in handy. This tool is communication.

When a flight is shut down communication is not.

When your car can’t pull out of the driveway your phone can still make a call.

When you feel stuck your words and ideas can still flow.

In public relations there are a number of people counting on your work. Clients and coworkers both need you to pull through on what your promise. When you can’t meet face to face communication strategy comes in handy.

At the beginning of every project there should be strategy to troubleshoot problems that arise in communication.

What if a meeting has to be cancelled?

You can face time.

What if a client fails to show up?

You have a secondary to go to for information.

The same goes for when you create a schedule.

What could get in the way of you completing your daily goals? Maybe it is a blizzard. Whatever it is there should be troubleshooting in place that allows you to still move forward. Pick a strategy that will allow you to continue to communicate with the people you need to. That takes prior communication with the key people in your week. Troubleshoot on paper or at least in your mind of what your move will be if your planned methods fall through.

That way not even a blizzard will stand in your way.

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