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So, You Want to Know How the Pros Rest?

Posted in Time Tools

Last week we looked at “5 Steps for Budgeting Your Time.” As you start to think about how to prioritize your life and what things earn a place on the calendar don’t forget one very crucial thing: rest.

It is important not just to remember rest, but to remember intentional rest.

What is the difference?

Rest can be anything from a Netflix binge to a nap. There isn’t a way to really define rest” specifically. Intentional rest, on the other hand, takes it to a whole new level. This kind of rest requires one to ask the questions “what makes me come alive?” and “what revives me?”. Now, for some maybe the answer is a Netflix binge, but for many people intentional rest will look more thought out.

Knowing how to rest intentionally takes knowing yourself and how you are wired. I am an extrovert, so what is revitalizing for me is a coffee date with someone who knows me or a hike with my favorite people. I want people around me and an adventure to take. That is rest for me.

For my introvert roommates rest looks like a day with a book, and engaging their mind with something new.

There are also many other ways we can know about ourselves other than the binary category of introvert of extrovert, but knowing yourself is integral to knowing how to rest most effectively.

That is the first step in intentional rest. The next is to be intentional with when you have it.

Don’t save your rest time for spare moments, because those will easily fill with other things. Take the schedule that we now know how to make and chunk out your rest time. Maybe that time is a day a week, or an hour a day. Whatever it is, prioritize it. Rest will keep you human and keep you driven toward the goals that power your dreams.

Take the time this week to rest intentionally.


What is intentional rest to you? Leave your comments to give others ideas for how to rest intentionally.

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