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From Oregon, to California, to Kauai, to Colorado, and back again.

After exploring the states for 4 years, I have landed at the University of Oregon, where I am studying Public Relations. I also intern at University Christian Fellowship where I get to work with music, middle schoolers, and non-profits. I live with eight girls in an old house and I love (almost) every second. I have a boyfriend who doesn’t live in the same city, who I enjoy being able to see. I record music, practice hand lettering, drink a lot of coffee and sit in front of old Volkswagens. All my worlds don’t easily mesh, and I have had to learn to make it all work. My worlds require me to go a little outside my comfort zone and learn to manage my time.

Over this last year I have gone from thinking that schedules would steal my spontaneity to beingĀ an iCalendar addict who still gets her share of spontaneous adventures.

I have learned that by saying “no” I actually help people a lot more than always saying “yes.”

I have learned that my goals will be accomplished only if I use time intentionally. I’m ready. Are you?

– Bria



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