Ducks can fly, right? Well this one can. After thirteen hours of flying, a five hour layover in Chicago, seven hours in the Rome airport, and a three hour bus ride, I have finally arrived to my destination of Siena, Italy.

To start my trip, I woke up at 3:30 am and headed to the Portland International Airport to catch my 7:05 am flight. Make sure you give yourself PLENTY of time to get through security, check in your luggage, and find your gate. Luckily, I sat by the wings of the plane on the isle seat by a friendly mom who showed me pictures of her kids.

When I landed in the Chicago airport and I had a five hour delay, where I bought plenty of snacks and explored the ODR airport. Luckily I meet a southern family of three who were also heading to Rome. After the five hour delay, I boarded the plane and sat next to a vibrant Italian man who was visiting his family for the first time in ten years. He was impressed with my existing Italian knowledge and I got to practice my Italian with him.
After nine LONG hours of flying and drifting in and out of sleep, I finally made it to the Rome airport. Unexpectedly, customs and baggage claim went by quickly and I was done within twenty minutes. There was no lines at custom and they didn’t ask my any question about my trip.
Unfortunately since my plane was delayed, I missed my bus and had to wait seven hours in the airport for the next bus to Siena. And let me tell you, seven hours in an airport is brutal. For anyone flying into the Rome airport, the bus station is crazy and there are tons of people. Luckily, most signs are in English and you can easily find someone who knows a English and can help you. Also there were no outlets to charge your phone or computer, so be prepared with a full battery!

The bus ride over was fairly easy and I was able to see the tuscan country side. Siena is about three hour ride from the airport and you are dropped off at the Piazza Gramsci, which is only four blocks away from the Hotel I was staying at.

Finally I made my destination, checked into my hotel and meet my roommates for the night. They updated me on what I missed during orientation and told me about their stores getting over here. Apparently one of them had to pay for 350 euros for a taxi because they missed their bus and someone else in the program has lost their luggage. One thing I have learned about traveling, is that it is hard and exhausting but having a positive attitude is key. Overall, I am so excited and relieved to have made it safely to Siena and I can’t wait to explore the city.

Until Next Time,
The Italian Duck

1.When you exit the airport you will be bombarded with people trying to get you to take a taxi.
2.Don’t assume everyone knows english.
3.You are able to buy a bus ticket when your bus arrives.
4.Expect delays.
5.Don’t be afraid to make friends.
6.Everyone has a rough time making it over here, don’t think you’re the only one.
7.People walk around with large guns in the airport. Don’t be surprised.
8.No matter what happens, stay calm and be patience, you’re in Rome after all.