Im not a horror film guy, I prefer happy movies because I don’t like to be scared so my interpretations could be a little different that everyone else’s. First is a non-diagetic sound, my example is right when they are getting their voices taken away from them the music was very eire and set the tone of what was happening. Since all the voices were being taken away it was an evil plot being made so the music was diabolical in a sense. My diagetic sound is also around the same scene but a little before hand. To me whenever I hear a clock in a horror film I can always tell something bad is about to happen, it is almost foreshadowing the events that are about to happen. But the clocks inter workings always have a devious sound to them. And lastly is the Mise-en-scene is when the two guys cannot use their voices in the elevator to gain access to the base. This is a very suspenseful scene to me because you dont know entirely what is going on but you are assuming nothing good and when you see the gas coming out me as an audience member gets very nervous and scared for them.