I watched the video, mostly because I love TedTalks, and I was kinda confused at first when she was talking about how we need to be playing more games a week and spend more time “gaming”. I am not good at video games so I choose not to play them but I understand what she is talking about with the epic win face. That face can be seen on the face of people in all aspects of life accomplishing tasks they did not think they could do. I was still confused about the video until she started talking about the educational games. I think that is exactly what we need to happen because kids these days are choosing to play video games rather than go outside and play so if we as a society made the games educational either with the kids knowing or without then we will still grow as a society without having the gaming be an issue. I dislike games like World of Warcraft or even Call of Duty not because I think it incites violence in kids necessarily but because as my own experience has taught me people are angrier playing those games than playing NHL 15 or MarioKart for example. So I think we as a society should make a shift to make more video games educational and maybe even transition them into schools so kids could be excited about school again.
Month: February 2015
Creative Spirituality Reflection
I define spirituality as the ability to see yourself and how you grow in relation to the world. That is spirituality is being able to see who you really are, not what people see you and judge you for, but rather how you truly see yourself and if you are actually growing or standing still. It is the inner being within you that only you can feel and whether you want to portray who that really is, is up to the person.
I believe that spirituality and religion are different things. Religion is a belief in a higher being that you want to please in order to have a good afterlife, and spirituality is the belief in your true self. I think that religion pushes spirituality because they know that in order to truly be one with god or the higher being you have to have a connection with your true self. Spirituality can allow you to view religion differently if your true self has come out and you identify your true self as someone close to the higher being.
I define creativity as the ability to create something the is new and original. It can be art, music, food, or a new invention. I think that creativity is a process in which you have an idea in your head and the way that you portray that thought is new and original. It definitely comes from within our selves but at the same time you see what other people have done and alter it in a way that makes more sense to you and can be useful for your idea.
To me the source of creativity comes from multiple areas. First is a persons spirituality because it is their true self and in order to be creative you have to trust it in your heart. Second I believe there are two types of people in this world, the art type and the analytical type. The art type have a brain that can see the image of what they want in their head and can translate that into the activity that they are doing. An analytical brain (like me) need to work harder at in and requires a lot of trial and error with some modifications every time. And lastly like I said in the previous paragraph, I think our creativity comes from observing other peoples creativity and expanding on it or modifying a process of it.
To me spirituality is discovering your true self, being accepting of the transformations that you and the world go through. This can be with the help of religion or not whichever makes more sense for the individual. So when I watched the movie I thought it was very interesting how each of them expressed their spirituality. I am going to focus on two of the four artists, John Feodorov and Shahzia Sikander because I find that they come from religious backgrounds but have two different views on it. John Feodorov is of Navajo decent so his work has to deal with the spirituality of the Navajo tribe. But he is not serious when it comes to it, he almost makes fun of it. When he talks about the totem bears he sells and that he makes them not enhance peoples spirituality but almost to mock it because he rigs the game. I think he has found his spirituality in other forms, because when he talks about painting he says that it is a struggle and he hates it but at the same time loves the struggle itself. So I think that his spirituality comes out in that struggle and what he puts on the paper is his true self, not the totem bears that he makes.
Next is Shahzia Sikander, she grew up Hindu in Pakistan, a primarily large muslim country. And her spirituality comes from her religious upbringing, the detail that both her miniature paintings have as well as her large paintings shows that she doesn’t want to mess up and portray the religion badly. She finds peace in the fact that everything has to be perfect, and in that peace she is able to meditate and therefore find her spirituality. Spirituality comes from within so sometimes it is hard to see it with someone but I believe that an artists spirituality comes out when the paint or draw or write because in the struggle or in the detail, the true artist comes out.
Why Horror?
This weeks topic was on horror films and why we as humans like them and what about them is scary to us. And to me it doesnt make sense, I don’t like to be scared or the feeling of adrenaline pumping through me while im in the movie theatre. So I went out and looked for articles on what happens in our bodies to make us want to watch the movie.
The first article I read was about why our brains love fear. And in that article they talked about many things that are different between people, first is that our bodies release a different amount of dopamine when we are scared so people who release a lot of dopamine could have a better experience at the movie.”Lots of people also enjoy scary situations because it leaves them with a sense of confidence after it’s over” (Ringo). This is to go back to our primate instincts and say that we get an ego boost out of proving that we are better than someone who is scared by the same movie. The article concludes with a comparison to why some people refuse to see scary movies or go to haunted houses and it could be because of a traumatic experience that they had when they were growing up and saw a movie or went to a haunted house and thought it was real. Our brains develop differently and sometimes when we are young we can’t distinguish what is and isnt real so seeing a monster could have lasting effects on someone. This connects with the topic this week because of how different sounds can have different effects on someone. I would say that non-diegenic sounds have a greater influence on fear on a person than the other two because of the suspense of not seeing the sounds or how film makers these days are relying on the music to foreshadow.
The next article I got was from WebMD and I picked this one because while it is not necessarily a real doctor giving advice, they consult real doctors and therefore it is a secondary source on what is really happening to you. This article was again on what happens to a person when they see a scary movie. “When people watch horrific images, their heartbeat increases as much as 15 beats per minute, Sparks tells WebMD. Their palms sweat, their skin temperature drops several degrees, their muscles tense, and their blood pressure spikes” (Sine). So when we see a movie we have the same bodily reaction as if we were in the situation, but the lasting effects arent the same. They go on to say that we as humans get a confidence boost out of seeing a scary film but at the same time “Cantor suspects that the brain may store memories of these films in the amygdala, which plays an important role in generating emotions. She says these film memories may produce similar reactions to those produced by actual trauma”(Sine). So while we might get an immediate confidence boost and the effects arent the same as if we were actually in the situation, we do retain some of the negative feeling and it could cause some problems in growth.
Ringo, A. (2013, October 31). Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear? Retrieved February 15, 2015, from http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/10/why-do-some-brains-enjoy-fear/280938/
Sine, R. (n.d.). Why We Love Scary Movies (L. Chang, Ed.). Retrieved February 16, 2015, from http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/why-we-love-scary-movies?page=3
Im not a horror film guy, I prefer happy movies because I don’t like to be scared so my interpretations could be a little different that everyone else’s. First is a non-diagetic sound, my example is right when they are getting their voices taken away from them the music was very eire and set the tone of what was happening. Since all the voices were being taken away it was an evil plot being made so the music was diabolical in a sense. My diagetic sound is also around the same scene but a little before hand. To me whenever I hear a clock in a horror film I can always tell something bad is about to happen, it is almost foreshadowing the events that are about to happen. But the clocks inter workings always have a devious sound to them. And lastly is the Mise-en-scene is when the two guys cannot use their voices in the elevator to gain access to the base. This is a very suspenseful scene to me because you dont know entirely what is going on but you are assuming nothing good and when you see the gas coming out me as an audience member gets very nervous and scared for them.
Personal Reflection Essay
Adornment to me is the best way to portray yourself to someone. Like our assignment this week when we were supposed to make insights about people based on their appearance, I feel like in order to portray how I view myself to people I need to dress like it. And that is not to say that I dress in order to impress people, but rather I dress in a way that shows people who I am and how I feel about myself.
How I would describe my style would be in three categories; comfort, brand and stylish. I say them in this order because this is the order in which they are important to me. First comfort, I like to be comfortable in what I wear not only the material that I like to wear but what I feel comfortable wearing. Next is brand name, I pretty much only wear 3 brands; Lululemon, J Crew and Nike. I really like these brands and what they put out as well as how comfortable they are. The last category for me is style. I like stylish clothing, but what I think is stylish not what other people think is stylish. So my closet is not as full as my roommates and that is because I am extremely picky when it comes to the clothes that I wear around. I do not have any tattoos or piercings on my body mainly because I don’t want them but also because my parents disapprove of those things and since they are paying for my education at the moment I will listen to them and not cross them. The last thing that makes my adornment is my hair. I like to put gel in my hair because I feel more confident in myself if my hair is done correctly. That is my style based on my clothing and body art.
Now onto the choices that I make, which stem from two groups as everyone’s do: my family and my social group. First off with my family, they have preached to me since I was young to make my own decisions and not worry about what they thought of me because they will love me no matter what happens. This is hard for me to do though because I like pleasing people and showing people that I care so I like to make my parents and siblings happy by making choices that will please them, thankfully those choices are always in my best interest so it works out in the end. I come from a family where there is a lot of pressure put on ourselves to succeed, since both my parents are doctors I cant very well take over for my dad without doing a lot of schooling first. So because of this we are forced to try and succeed in our own areas of choice, mine being math and economics. My parents and family view this as a good choice for me because they see how talented I am at math and how truly passionate about it. So overall my family influences me more than anything but not because of the expectation they put on me but because of the expectation I put on myself to be as good or better than them. You can see how my family influences my dress or adornment by me trying to be comfortable in my own skin.
I am the baby of the family so my friend group or social group tends to be on the older side. I’ve always enjoyed hanging out with my brother’s friends because I feel like I fit in better. As well as being the baby I am also old for my grade so I got to do everything before my friends did. Because of these two things I have learned that true friends are hard to come by and that once you find them you should appreciate them. This is expressed through my dress by the comfort aspect; if I’m comfortable with you then I will dress like it and let you see me in my “natural habitat”. This is to say I wont always wear what I think is stylish around you or I wont do my hair sometimes. My dress and body adornment are very important to me, not because of what other people think of me but more because of what I think of myself and want to portray to people. If I do not accomplish that then well at least I like what I look like.
I am a huge people watcher, I do it all the time especially at airports or amusement parks. I think that no human is the same even and to understand a different human you must sit and watch them when they are unaware of it. This may sound a little stalkerish but the difference is you do not follow them around you just watch what they do for a certain amount of time then move on to a new stranger. When I normally people watch I try not to judge people by their appearance but rather their mannerisms or their decision making process so when asked to look at a person and not judge them but draw conclusions based on their appearance or how they wear their clothes can make me uncomfortable but I gained some insight of myself because of it.
The first person i observed was who I believed to be an athlete at our school solely based on the fact that she had one of those highlighter backpacks on. But when I continued to observe I noticed that she had the whole nike outfit on from head to foot, The ducks sweatshirt and sweatpants and some green nike shoes (she was too far for me to be more specific with the shoes). If I was new to this school I would assume that this person was trying to stand out by wearing only oregon apparel with the athletes backpack, but now i would assume that this person’s closet has a lot of free sweats and sweatshirts so it is only fair to assume that this person just grabbed whatever sweats were clean at that time. I am assuming she either had practice earlier in the day or just woke up because her hair is in a ponytail and is slightly damp (no rain at this time). But overall what I believe about her is that she is just another student either going to or coming from class in comfortable clothes.
The next person I observed is a (sorority) girl at starbucks. I say this with confidence because she is wearing her letters on her sweatshirt. She is also wearing yoga pants and uggs, or as I like to think about it the sorority girl uniform. I say this because I can look around the room and see 4-5 of the same exact outfits around the room. This particular girl is sitting with her laptop open drinking her coffee and doing what I assume is homework. I have a hard time studying in a place like starbucks so when I see people studying there I assume that they are only have studying and half people watching, so I am assuming that this particular girl is not really studying. The values I see in her though just from this quick encounter is that she likes (or pretends to like) the other girls in her sorority (there are a couple other girls right next to her with the same letters on) but more importantly I assume that she is probably older than 21, studying journalism, in good health but a little stressed about something, and most likely from California (just one of those feelings).
The last person I observe is a man who I would say is 40-50 and most likely a teacher, I say this because he is carrying a cup of coffee, a computer, a book and an envelop with a bunch of papers. The book appears to be a math book so I am going to assume that he is a math teacher. I am concerned because of how much stuff he has with him but he seems to manage just fine. He is wearing a button down shirt and khakis that are a little bit too big for him so I am assuming that he either just lost a bunch of weight or that he likes baggy clothing. He doesnt look sick so I will finally assume that he just likes baggy clothing. his hair is a little messy and he has a stressed look about him so I am going to assume that he is either late to class or that his research is stressing him out. Lastly I would think that he is Russian, this has no real bases but I just have that feeling about him.