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GE Power and Water Strategic Marketing Analyst

On our group came across a Strategic Marketing Analyst position with General Electric Power and Water. The position relies on high level market analysis and requires a bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Physics, Math or a related Technical discipline, this is interesting as it is a marketing position. These technical skills are supplemented by a marketing experience requirement of a minimum of three years in marketing as well as strong leadership skills. The job posting suggests a graduate degree in any of the above disciplines or an MBA would be greatly preferred. This reinforces the GE cooperate culture of technical excellence and cutting edge innovation.  This specific position at General Electric has nothing but positives review on, citing GE’s ability of retain employees as well as movement in a positive direction.
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The negative comment seems to be that too much time is spent presenting with PowerPoint specifically, which seems atypical of a technically trained individual in a marketing position.  The GE website projects the company as a collective of powerful minds, and of incredible achievement. GE is a blue chip stock and Business Insider states that despite third quarter profits falling Wall Street expectations remain high, facilitating their corporate image of excellence. From our research we can conclude that General Electric seems to be very consistent with their claims about their corporate culture. Something very interesting was General Electric’s rating trends on, their approval ratings dropped significantly then dramatically improved since 2015 (notice their highest rating is in corporate culture).

Road Map to Becoming a Strategic Marketing Analyst

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Executive Spa Location Proposition

For our executive spa we selected Cincinnati Ohio. Cincinnati seemed like an ideal location for this assignment, as there is a population of almost 300,000 people and an average income of just over $50,000. Within Cincinnati we believe the ideal location for an executive spa would be in the center of the down town metropolitan area. The majority of high priced housing is somewhat northwest of this location however the downtown location would attract the high-income clients that work and recreate in the area. The majority of the clubs, law firms, and major league sporting arenas are in this location and as the selected location is on major route between the downtown setting and the majority of highest income housing. An acceptable location for this health spa would be: 580 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202. There are multiple units available in this retail rental complex, the largest of which is moderately priced and large enough to meet the specific spatial requirements. The sleek and modern design of this location would specifically appeal to our target consumer, but a nearby location with a similar design would also meet our needs.

High Income housing

This is an image of Cincinnati Ohio and the dots on the map represents where majority of the high end residents live.

Nightlive near specific location

This is an image of the majority of clubs in Cincinnati Ohio. We believe that if we built our spa near this location it will potentially attract more clients, since they may want to treat themselves to a spa after the club.

Possible specific location
[Image of potential location for health spa]

This building is located on 580 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202. It is a good potential location because the building is located in an area within walking distance of where the majority of the high end residents live and it is near a lot of clubs.

*After reviewing the Experian small business list for the example we found that the information we had gathered through Google Maps and Zillow had in fact provided us we a potentially prosperous business location.

The Creation of this Blog

Our group is comprised of Jimmy Huang, Torin Brown, and Andrew Queener. Our motive was simple, to create a blog for our BA317 Marketing course. The result was exceptional. We decided that a simple and professional theme would convey the institutional subjects this blog has been made to hold. As economics and social science majors, sleek and efficient marketing tools tend to specifically speak to us. This was an extremely beneficial first lab and we all look forward to labs to come.