Tagged: participation

Field Guide to Fermentation

Here is my most recent treasure. I have been crafting away for the last couple months on a Field Guide to Fermentation. It was my attempt to capture some aspect of fermentation culture as it relates here in Oregon. I held interviews, took lots of photos, watched documentaries and overall expressed the deeper depths of my inner geek on all things fermented. It was amazing.

Field Guide to Fermentation 



Empower Action through Music

This is a great example of how we have become a convergence culture. Ready to create empower and fully participate in action. When talking about the readings from this week, this reflects on the convergence of experience, as the way people interact with and give meaning to making media a window to the world. In this case, this media form of music and events (all marketed via world of mouth or social media) allows for the crossover between permaculture and electronic dance music.

 Polish Ambassador  is a producer of electronic dance music that leaves a positive footprint after his shows. He plans action days based in permaculture for his audience and others to participate in the day after his shows .There is a message in his music that is then carried over allowing the audience to become apart of the experience. Here is a little video of an action day from Portland.