In addition to what I research, I also think a lot about how I research. I am particularly interested in qualitative approaches in social science research, including ways to establish and maintain equitable research relationships, ways to analyze qualitative data, and ways to transcribe interviews and focus groups as part of the qualitative research process.
Relational Applied Research:
I am working within a model for conducting research that I call Relational Applied Research. Influenced by Collaborative Community-Based Research (CBR) in the field of language documentation as well as Indigenous-framed research methodologies, this model emphasizes principles of respect, relational accountability, and reciprocity with research contributors.
Here is a poster I presented on this topic at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Meeting on March 19, 2023: Relational Applied Research – Taylor-Adams AAAL 2023 poster
Here are the references for that poster: Relational Applied Research – references for AAAL 2023 poster session
Qualitative research methods and analysis:
You can find out more about this on this page about my dissertation research process.
On May 21, 2021, I gave a presentation to the 7th Annual Symposium on Language Research at UC Davis. This talk focused on using a tool from language documentation (ELAN) for producing flexible transcriptions of interview recordings. Here are the slides from that talk: Language Documentation for Talk about Language – Symposium at UC Davis
Presenting qualitative data:
I am also interested in how we can best communicate the findings of qualitative research with broad audiences. I led a workshop on this topic for the University of Oregon’s Communications User Experience Team.