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    Choosing where to live each year while attending the UO can be a big task. It sometimes can be difficult to find the right roommate or the best place to live. Apartments can be expensive depending on location and typically college students haven’t had to pay rent before, which is a new thing for many. Here is a link for alternative housing options, rather than living on campus. https://studysoup.com/blog/easy-college-solutions/alternative-housing-options/.

    For me, I have loved living on campus. As a second year student at the UO, I have lived on campus for two years, Hamilton East and Carson. Ever since I stepped foot on campus during Week of Welcome, I have loved being involved on campus. By living on campus, I was able to create so many friends from all over the country. I also live on campus to be more involved. For example, I am the Finance Rep for Carson’s RHA (the hall gov on campus). RHA stands for the Residence Hall Association, and all colleges in the USA are members. By living on campus, I am more informed of events being put on by other students. For example, each week a movie is shown in the EMU for free.

    I prefer to have roommates because I enjoy communicating with people. Even though I didn’t have a roommate for part of the year last year, I prefer a roommate because I started to get lonely while in the room without one. Even though someone is your roommate, it doesn’t mean you have to be their best friend. Because I live on campus, I don’t really have any utility expenses due to my meal plan.

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