March 30th, 2017
Choosing where to live each year while attending the UO can be a big task. It sometimes can be difficult to find the right roommate or the best place to live. Apartments can be expensive depending on location and typically college students haven’t had to pay rent before, which is a new thing for many. Here is a link for alternative housing options, rather than living on campus.
For me, I have loved living on campus. As a second year student at the UO, I have lived on campus for two years, Hamilton East and Carson. Ever since I stepped foot on campus during Week of Welcome, I have loved being involved on campus. By living on campus, I was able to create so many friends from all over the country. I also live on campus to be more involved. For example, I am the Finance Rep for Carson’s RHA (the hall gov on campus). RHA stands for the Residence Hall Association, and all colleges in the USA are members. By living on campus, I am more informed of events being put on by other students. For example, each week a movie is shown in the EMU for free.
I prefer to have roommates because I enjoy communicating with people. Even though I didn’t have a roommate for part of the year last year, I prefer a roommate because I started to get lonely while in the room without one. Even though someone is your roommate, it doesn’t mean you have to be their best friend. Because I live on campus, I don’t really have any utility expenses due to my meal plan.
If you are in any of the following classes, please sign up to become a notetaker here.
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Posted by atucker2
March 24th, 2017
When I started college, I was not productive at all. I would decide that studying could wait and instead, I should just watch a couple YouTube videos or catch up on a couple episodes of my favorite shows on Netflix. I realized during my Fall midterms that I needed to change. I said to myself that I would change and find a way to increase my productivity. During the Winter term, I was able to increase my productivity. I hope you will put these four tips to use and increase your productivity!
I started to use a planner for my Winter term and noticed due dates were written down, I was able to keep myself accountable for what I would do each day. On Sunday of each week, I would plan out which homework assignments I would do each day. I also found that having a task completed and having it checked off was kinda fun.
I like to read magazines, and a CEO of an airline wrote he turns on “airplane mode” for his phone when he wants to get work done. If you want to study hard-core, you can turn off wi-fi so you can’t say to yourself “I’m going to only check Facebook for five minutes”. We all know that “five minutes” will turn into half an hour or even more. The constant distractions of social media and the news pull us out of our focused working space and make it harder to be efficient.
Studies have shown that exercising before a workout is very beneficial. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain. It doesn’t matter what exercise is done. You could run, swim, lift weights, play basketball, any movement will make your brain ready to do the dreaded reading or whatever is assigned to have done before the next lecture.
After I have done my homework for the day, I reward myself. Sometimes the reward is getting Ben & Jerry’s from Grab-n-Go or playing computer games on my Steam account. I also break up my readings by having a mini break after reading a certain number of pages (like 10 pages or finishing one chapter). By rewarding myself, I am able to have fun while getting my work done.
Here are some tools that StudySoup suggests to boost your productivity.
Below are documents that are the most popular this week.
If you would like to become a note-taker (looking for people in above classes) please apply. Even if you are not in the above classes, StudySoup wants to hire you.
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Posted by atucker2
March 15th, 2017
StudySoup is currently hiring notetakers for classes at the UO. As a Notetaker, you will post notes weekly for three of your classes. You can make between $200 and $600 your first term! By being a notetaker, you help your classmates and will make money on the side. Here is the Pay Per Action plan.
Hope to see you around.
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Posted by atucker2
March 14th, 2017
Hey yall!
My name is Alex Tucker and I am a Sophomore at the UO. I’m studying Pre-Business and getting a minor in Media Studies. Like many UO students, I am from the Bay Area, specifically Menlo Park. It is about a 45 minute drive to San Francisco. I hope to eventually work at a social media company in their marketing department.
In order to have my resume stand out from others, I started working as a marketing intern for StudySoup during the fall term. It’s a company that allows students to sell their notes and study guides to other students who are in need of extra help in their classes. It’s been a great opportunity for me, learning a lot more about marketing and just getting a better sense of what a startup company and culture is all about.
Just wanted to give a quick introduction of myself. Hope y’all have a great day and I’ll post again soon!
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Posted by atucker2