Entry 4

Beyonce is an artist that had been known as a feminist; which is basically the right of equal between women and men, where she mentioned it in her interview. At the very beginning of the interview Beyonce was talking about her Ivy park brand and how did she work with a top shop to create a brand that can benefit women with their active-wear and her number one concern is to make every woman happy with her body and her active-wear that she is wearing. She also talked about her “feminist” and what does “feminist” really means, as she said, feminist is basically the right of equal between men and women, so when men can do something women should be able to do it too because there is no different between the ability of men doing stuff and women doing the same stuff. I really like her way of talking and her idea of trying to tell people that there should be equal rights between women and men and there is no difference between the two of them. Moreover, it is true women are able to do what men are doing, when they want to they can do it. However, in Beyonce’s album “Lemonade” she was talking about the different kinds of black female bodies such as skin tone, shape, and weight. Even though there are lots of people who misunderstand the real point behind Beyonce’s album and see it as a song that is only for black women. In my point of view, I think that people are always trying to see what they want to see even if the idea is clear they will not understand it or see it.