In week 3 we learn about stars and the star as an image. What is meant by stars as an image is not just to look at the image itself, we need to look at what is behind this image and describe it to see what is the real meaning behind this image. However, there is also another word for the image; which is the iconic. In other words, iconic these days refers to something that has been really known for lots of people such as religious image; which is recognized by many people when they see it. Moreover, the idea that the stars need to have an emotion is important for the star to engage with the audience, if there is no emotion in their acting it will not be a really good star that people want to see all the time.
In addition, there are also the star systems that we learn about in the lecture; which have some characteristics. The characteristics for the star system are first the contract that is usually between the star and the studio; where they agree on what they want to make and how to make it in the right way. Second, the pairing between the stars and the genres; which is really important to come up with a really good movie or film. Then, pairing the actor and the director is also important in making a film. Next, the star vehicles. Finally, the publicity agencies packaging and promoting stars; where they promote the star by their fashion to make people recognize and like her.
Moreover, in week three we also had to compare and contrast between Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich on the character that each one of them played in their films. In both films we can see that both Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich are needed for some rich man to like them and fill in love with them so each one of them can get what she wants from this rich man. Even though they were both in need of rich man I see that Marlene Dietrich was somehow more independent than the dumb blond girl that Marilyn Monroe was playing. However, we can see how each actor has to play a character that is different from the other in order for people to like them and become famous. Even if both characters were about the same idea; which is a beautiful blond girl who searches for some rich man that can make her life better. As a final point, stars are always being known for what they are doing in their films and as what their characters are looks like. For example, when Marilyn Monroe playing the dumb blond girl that is so beautiful, people will always see her as what she is acting. Finally, being a star is the idea of being willing to always do what other people want you to do and act like what they want to see from you such as what Marilyn Monroe did in her films.