Intro & Plan for Jan 19

Welcome! We have quite the group.  Remember: the class is pass-fail not graded.

Aegean tectonics (Jan 19 and Feb 2):

  1. Kinematic framework: Miles and Bart will summarize this using figures from the Jolivet and Kreemer papers.  Look over the figures of these two papers.
  2. Temporal evolution of the subduction system and high pressure-temperature terrains: Ellen and Marissa will lead our discussion of this paper.  Read this paper.


  • Samples from Santorini – where could we access some of these to look at?
  • Fixing Michele’s talk for Jan 26  since some people will miss the Feb 2 meeting.

Draft Itinerary:

  • Complete section through Minoan (Late Bronze Age) eruption deposits:  In the Thira quarry.  Also more distal deposits at the southern beaches – Add to field trip itinerary.


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