Taking what I learned from the egg drop challenge and prior research lead me to use marshmallows again due to how successful they were when protecting the egg.
I first began by placing my heel against the marshmallows to see how it feels against the foot. I also wanted to see how the shape of the marshmallow expands once athletes place their feet on top on the marshmallow.
Once I figured that out, I began to form the marshmallow into one piece instead of it being 3 or 4 separate pieces. I felt that by making them one whole piece, it would then be easier to place on the foam.
Once the foam pieces were cut, I began to place the marshmallow onto the foam.
In order to create the slope effect to show extra support for the heel I flattened some of the marshmallows.
While conducting research on plantar fasciitis I found that sometimes athletes may use ice to help subside the inflammation that they experience due to plantar fasciitis. Therefore, I wanted to add a cooling system for the heels and showed that on my prototype using beads. The darker beads show where the cooling gel gets coldest. The lighter beads are areas where gel is not as cold.
Below is my Technical drawing for my cushioning system.