2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 12-Final Post- .1

Introduction: In Emily Wilson’s interpretation of The Odyssey, we are taken with Odysseus on his treacherous 10-year journey with ups and downs and everything in between. One of the most notable parts of this story, however, is his encounters with the ‘monsters’ he...


For this post, I chose a musical adaptation on YouTube that is concise and accurate to the events of Scylla in Book 12. Scylla is not typically considered a villain but rather a monstrous antagonist. This source is essential to expressing a new narrative to the epic...

Group 12-Creative Narrative-Sirens

I find “The Sirens in ‘The Odyssey’ are Actually way Cooler-and Creepier-than you Thought” by Charlotte Ahlin, to be a very informative source about the Sirens and their true story. We’ve all been told the story of The Sirens. Basically, they are mythical creatures...

Group 12-Creative Narrative-Cyclops

I chose Eleusis Amphora, an ancient Greek neck amphora. On the neck of the vase, there is an image depicting Odysseus blinding Polyphemus. I chose this, as many of the media sources I found only depicted Polyphemus being blinded. There were very limited choices for...

Group 12-Creative Narrative- Circe

The source I have chosen for my creative narrative case study is the 1997 TV series titled “The Odyssey”. I believe this is an important source for my case study as it offers not only a story component very similar to the physical book but also a much-needed visual...

Group 12-Image Reading-The Sirens

When I look at this picture, the immediate response is to look at Odysseus. This is because he is the only character with his physique showing, and the only one in such a pop of color. The rest of the picture, as what would be assumed being in the middle of a big body...