2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 10-Image Reading-Polyphemus

Book nine of the Odyssey mainly focuses on Odysseus and his crew escaping from the cave of the cyclops Polyphemus. This image depicts Odysseus stabbing Polyphemus in his eye using a wooden spear. Odysseus is dressed in regal attire befitting a leader while Polyphemus...

Group 10- Image Reading- The Sirens

This image of the Sirens portrays the monsters as entirely in a feminine form (a woman’s body). This links womanhood to monsters. The image shows three naked women, lying atop a cliffside, waving to the ship of men passing by. One of the women has a red cloth draped...

group 10- close reading: scylla

In Book 12 of the Odyssey, Odysseus is warned about the sirens, including Scylla. Before encountering the sirens, Odysseus is given important instructions on how to successfully escape the lure of the sirens from Circe; plug your ears, and bound your hands and feet to...

Group 10-Close Reading-Polyphemus

In book nine of The Odyssey, the story of what happened to Odysseus and his crew immediately after the Trojan War is being recounted to the reader. After pillaging the city of Ismarus for some time, Odysseus and his men are driven away by a strong counter attack by...

Group 10- Close Reading- The Sirens

In book twelve of the Odyssey, the goddess Circe warns Odysseus of the Siren song. On his journey he will encounter an island where Sirens- female-like monsters- will attempt to lure him and his men to their deaths. She gives him instructions to plug his men’s...