2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 8-Final Project-Leadership In the Odyssey

Introduction In Homer’s Odyssey, the characters of Penelope, Athena, and the Sirens serve as compelling embodiments of diverse leadership styles and influences. Penelope, with her unwavering resilience and strategic acumen in preserving Ithaca during Odysseus’s...

Group 8- Creative narrative- Athena

Intro: Athena is known as a Goddess of wisdom and war in Homer’s The Odyssey. She is clever, confident, and strong. The multimedia source I chose is a poem called “Athena” written by Xena Terrell. The poem describes Athena as a confident, powerful, and wise Goddess...

Group 8- Image reading- Athena

In the image I chose to represent Athena, she is shown in a red cape and gold armor pieces. Her cape and head armor feathers are shown to be red and her body armor as well as shield, sword, and staff are shown to be gold. The color red is known to symbolize sacrifice,...

Group 8-Creative Narrative-Penelope

The Odyssey follows a man named Odysseus’s journey to get back to his homeland. To do so, he has many hurdles to jump and many monsters to kill. Over the course of the story, we the readers, are introduced to a wide cast of characters. But in this epic story of...

Group 8-Creative Narrative-Sirens

Sirens, as seen in The Odyssey, are not represented in the media too often, we see them mainly referenced in stories of Greek mythology or retelling of The Odyssey. For my multimedia source, I chose the poem “Siren Song”, by Margaret Atwood. I believe this is...
Group 8-Image reading-Penelope

Group 8-Image reading-Penelope

In the painting, Penelope is portrayed as sobbing on a chair with a bow in her hands. It’s hard to really read what emotion her face is portraying but her body language makes it look like she’s relieved. She is laying her forehead on her hand and coddling...