2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107
Group 7 – Creative Narrative – Telemachus

Group 7 – Creative Narrative – Telemachus

In the poem Telemachus by Ocean Vuong, there is a tone of resentment and slight hatred for his father, Odysseus. There are many breaks between the sentences in the poem that emphasize the pause between the words. A new verse never starts with the beginning of a new...

Group 7-Creative Narrative-Athena

I chose this image for its striking representation of my case study on Athena. It impeccably glasses the dynamic I conceptualize when reflecting on the member where Athena informs Telemachus about his father’s actuality and his eventual return. The image’s...

Group 7-Creative Narrative-Penelope

For my multi-media source, I chose the television series Gilmore Girls to be in comparison with my case study of Penelope. The TV show is about a mother and daughter duo dynamic, in which Rory, daughter to Lorelai, doesn’t have a father figure present in her life. The...

Group 7-Image Reading-Penelope

Using context clues, I can infer this is a photo of Penelope, Odysseus, and Telemachus before Odysseus’ long journey. Penelope as a wife is considered loyal, hopeful, and passionate. During Odysseus’ time away, Penelope stayed loyal to her marriage with him while the...

Group 7 – Image reading – Athena

The statue depicted in the image is a grand representation of Athena, the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, alleviation, and warfare. Towering amidst majestic columns, the statue exudes a sense of authority and power. The golden tinge boxing her Form not only...