2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 4 – Creative Narrative- Penelope

“The Penelopiad” by Margaret Atwood offers a refreshing and vital perspective on one of the most iconic female characters in classical literature, Penelope from Homer’s “The Odyssey.” In Homer’s epic, Penelope is often portrayed...

Group 6-Creative Narrative-Nausicaa

(Available to watch on Amazon Prime as well as HBO Max) One film in the modern day that draws inspiration from The Odyssey and particularly my case study of Nausicaa is “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” which is an animated movie written by Hayao Miyazaki.  He...

Group 5-Creative Narrative-Athena

I chose this image because I think it well represents my case study of Athena. It also captures the dynamic I picture in my head when I read the excerpt where Athena tells Telemachus about his father being alive and returning back. I think this image is important to...

Group 6-Creative Narrative-Suitors

In this image we can see many things such as a group of people sitting together at a table along with someone standing and talking to someone. Just like in book one of the Odyssey, this picture shows Odysseus’s family looking sad or upset that he isn’t...

Group 6-Creative Narrative-The Cyclops

  “The Smurf Odyssey” is an episode from the popular “The Smurfs” cartoon series, and it is a loose adaptation of Homer’s “The Odyssey,” with the Smurfs taking on the roles of the characters in the Greek epic. In this...