2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 4- Image reading – Penelope

The 19th-century painting titled “Patience of Penelope” offers a poignant glimpse into the world of Greek mythology, where the character Penelope is showcased as the epitome of patience, devotion, and resilience. The image, rich in symbolism and emotion,...

Group 4- Close Reading- Circe

In Book 10 of the Odyssey, the character Circe is introduced. She played a crucial role in Odysseus’ eventful journey. The central point of this story is based on the theme of hospitality. Hospitality is what highlights the interactions and relationships between hosts...

Group 4- Close reading- Penelope

In a crucial scene found in Book 23 of “The Odyssey,” Odysseus’s devoted wife, Penelope, is shown to have extraordinary resiliency and intelligence. This section continues a series of experiments Penelope designed to identify the beggar who has...

Group 4 – Close reading – Athena

In Book 2 of Homer’s “The Odyssey,” Athena’s hospitality takes on a unique and pivotal form as she provides guidance, support, and a sense of purpose to Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. This book marks a crucial moment in the epic, as...