2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 3-image reading-Athena

In this image, we see Athena and Telemachus. This image represents Athena’s story element to help multiple characters, not just Odysseus. Athena could be seen as the rock of this story. She’s a character for others to lean on and receive advice. Athena helping...

Group 3-Image Reading- Calypso

For this image reading study, I picked this picture of Calypso which is illustrated above and it is her and two other men and by the looks of the picture you can see that they are on her island and she is having a conversation with the two other people which I presume...

Group 1 – Image Reading – Penelope

The image I chose portrays Penelope weaving while surrounded by her maids and suitors. In the background you can see what I assume to be the kingdom of Ithaca out of a window. In the image, Penelope is seated and wearing a bright red dress while she weaves. Her dress...

Group 3-Image Reading-Penelope

For my image study, I chose this photo of Penelope presumably weaving and also unwinding the funeral shroud for her father. With the suitors asleep on the ground, Penelope has an expression of dismay on her face. She cannot control the suitors and her last hope of...

Group 2- image reading- sirens

Image link 944 × 63 a.This image represents femininity, temptation, and death through an artistic yet descriptive lens. The overall tone of this image evokes a feeling of fear–death. You can see the decaying male bodies lying underneath these women looking up to the...

Group 1 – Image Reading – Circe

The image I have chosen is a painting that depicts a scene from Odysseus’ stay on Circe’s island, where he confronts Circe and demands her to free him and his men. In terms of fashion, we see Odysseus wearing what appears to be traditional Greek armor,...