2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 3-Creative Narrative-Calypso

Calypso I decided to pick a song for this week’s blog post and the song I chose to represent the type of character Calypso is in the Odyssey the song is called Calypso by Suzanne Vega. I feel like this song does a really great job at illustrating the type of character...

Group 1 – Creative Narrative – Penelope

    I believe that the Penelopiad is important in relation to the Odyssey because it provides an entirely different perspective. The Penelopiad provides Penelope’s perspective from when she was running the kingdom of Ithaca during Odysseus’ absence. It...

Group 1 – Creative Narrative – Circe

  In ancient Greek history, Circe, the Goddess of Sorcery, is an intriguing character with a captivating tale to tell. Madeline Miller, the author of ‘Circe,’ takes a fresh approach to her story. Instead of painting her as a typical wicked witch,...
Group 2-Image Reading-Circe

Group 2-Image Reading-Circe

In the painting by Wright Barker, Circe is given a portrayal of how Odysseus perceives her. She is shown to be perfectly beautiful, with a flawless face and figure. Her expression is vague. She gives a cold smile accompanied by relaxed cheeks and lifeless eyes. She...

Group 2-Image Reading-Odysseus

  The photo I have chosen depicts Odysseus being discovered by Princess Nausicaa after washing up on the beach. The first thing that I noticed when looking at this photo is the nakedness of both the servants and Odysseus. We see that Nausicaa’s female servants...

Group 3- Image reading-Sirens

This is a painting done by John William Waterhouse that depicts sirens in the Odyssey. It was completed in 1891 and is an oil painting and was part of the Victorian era of paintings. It was different from the works of the times as the artist depicted the Sirens as...