2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 2-Creative Narrative-Odysseus

Looking at the character Katniss Everdeen, from The Hunger Games, we see a multitude of similarities between her and Odysseus. Katniss is a witty character who sacrificed herself and has the goal to make it back to her family, just as Odysseus does. Throughout the...

Group 3-Creative Narrative-Penelope

Throughout the Odyssey, we are introduced to many different characters, most of which are not given a background explanation of who they are. Penelope, although we learn much about her, is more or less only perceived as the wife of Odysseus, and much less as her own...

Group 3 – Creative Narrative – Athena

Athena sticks out as the main motivator in The Odyssey. She is the Mickey to Odysseus’s Rocky. In Rachel Platten’s 2015 hit “Fight Song”, there are quite a few lyrics that speak true to Athena’s character. The song doesn’t just...

Group 3-Creative Narrative-Sirens

The Sirens of Greek mythology were stunning to look at and captivating to hear. They were gorgeous, dangerous beings that enticed sailors to shipwreck on their island’s rocky coast. ”Sirens” can now refer to anything that lures someone away from safety and down...

Group 2-Creative Narrative-Case Study

Yubaba from Spirited Away is a valuable homage to Circe from the Odyssey. In her story, Yubaba is a powerful sorcerer, leveraging her magic to control the affairs of those around her. She runs a large bathhouse, defining herself by her industriousness, and surrounds...

Group 2- Creative Narrative- Sirens

“Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby” in relation to the Odyssey represent the depictions and characteristics sirens display toward men. We could not include the Sirens from the well-known film “Oh Brother Where Art Thou?” since it is a modified remake of the...