2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 2- image reading- sirens

Image link 944 × 63 a.This image represents femininity, temptation, and death through an artistic yet descriptive lens. The overall tone of this image evokes a feeling of fear–death. You can see the decaying male bodies lying underneath these women looking up to the...

Group 2-Close Reading-Circe

This section, lines 308-320 on page 269, is a case study on the difference between appearance and character in the Odyssey as well as a continuation of the overarching themes of sexism and objectification. Book 10 of the Odyssey, Odysseus’ crew arrives at the island...

Group 2- Close Reading- Odysseus

In book 5 of The Odyssey, Hermes visits Calypso to order her to free Odysseus. In the line 81-84 we see the grave effects that Odysseus entrapment has had on him. The imagery of Odysseus sitting alone on the beach and staring out at sea gives the reader an image of...

Group 2 – Close reading- Sirens

Introduction- In the Book 12, where sirens were first introduced, the sirens attempt to lure Odysseus and his crew to their fate– death. His crew sails down the sea knowing the temptations of death that lie ahead, but they continue on. Odysseus has his men put wax in...