2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 8-Creative Narrative-Penelope

The Odyssey follows a man named Odysseus’s journey to get back to his homeland. To do so, he has many hurdles to jump and many monsters to kill. Over the course of the story, we the readers, are introduced to a wide cast of characters. But in this epic story of...
Group 8-Image reading-Penelope

Group 8-Image reading-Penelope

In the painting, Penelope is portrayed as sobbing on a chair with a bow in her hands. It’s hard to really read what emotion her face is portraying but her body language makes it look like she’s relieved. She is laying her forehead on her hand and coddling...

Group 8-Close Reading-Penelope

In book 2 of the Odyssey, Antinous a suitor scolds Telemachus for speaking poorly of his mother (Penelope) he goes on to educate Telemachus of his mother, through this we learn a lot about Penelope’s character. Through lines 86 to 129 we learn that she is...