2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 4 – Creative Narrative- Penelope

“The Penelopiad” by Margaret Atwood offers a refreshing and vital perspective on one of the most iconic female characters in classical literature, Penelope from Homer’s “The Odyssey.” In Homer’s epic, Penelope is often portrayed...

Group 4- Image reading – Penelope

The 19th-century painting titled “Patience of Penelope” offers a poignant glimpse into the world of Greek mythology, where the character Penelope is showcased as the epitome of patience, devotion, and resilience. The image, rich in symbolism and emotion,...

Group 4- Close reading- Penelope

In a crucial scene found in Book 23 of “The Odyssey,” Odysseus’s devoted wife, Penelope, is shown to have extraordinary resiliency and intelligence. This section continues a series of experiments Penelope designed to identify the beggar who has...