by daniho | Nov 13, 2023 | Group 7, Leadership, Uncategorized
Unconventional Leaders Homer’s The Odyssey, a cornerstone of ancient Greek literature, is deified for its epic tales of heroism and adventure. Still, beneath the surface of Odysseus’ fabulous trip lies a nuanced disquisition of leadership through...
by daniho | Oct 30, 2023 | Group 7, Leadership
In the poem Telemachus by Ocean Vuong, there is a tone of resentment and slight hatred for his father, Odysseus. There are many breaks between the sentences in the poem that emphasize the pause between the words. A new verse never starts with the beginning of a new...
by daniho | Oct 22, 2023 | Group 7, Leadership
This picture displays Odysseus and Telemachus fighting the suitors. Odysseus takes on many suitors, leading his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus, to worry about his survival. This picture displays the action in Book 20 of the Odyssey; however, before the...
by daniho | Oct 16, 2023 | Group 7, Leadership
In Book 1 of The Odyssey by Emily Willson, Athena, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of wisdom and warfare, first meets Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, to encourage him on a journey to find his father and retrieve advice on ways to expel the suitors. She disguised...