2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

Group 12-Creative Narrative-Cyclops

I chose Eleusis Amphora, an ancient Greek neck amphora. On the neck of the vase, there is an image depicting Odysseus blinding Polyphemus. I chose this, as many of the media sources I found only depicted Polyphemus being blinded. There were very limited choices for...

Group 12-Image Reading-Cyclops

In this image, we see the Cyclops Polyphemus reaching down to touch the back of his sheep. Odysseus’ men are hiding beneath the sheep, while Polyphemus takes them out to the pasture. Polyphemus is oblivious to this fact as Odysseus has blinded him. Odysseus and...

Group 12-Close Reading-Cyclops

For my assignment, I chose to focus on the Cyclops, and specifically Book Nine. In Book Nine of The Odyssey, Odysseus ends up on Cyclops Island, where he finds Polyphemus’ cave. In the passage I chose from Book Nine, it is described how Odysseus and his crew break...