2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107


Athena is known as a Goddess of wisdom and war in Homer’s The Odyssey. She is clever, confident, and strong. The multimedia source I chose is a poem called “Athena” written by Xena Terrell. The poem describes Athena as a confident, powerful, and wise Goddess who knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. She is known to be represented by an owl which is a symbol of wisdom and intelligence. Throughout the novel, it is said that an owl sits on Athena’s blind side to give her the ability to see through dark and blind sides and reveals the truth of the world to her. Athena is said to be Zeus’ favorite daughter who sprung fully grown, clothes in a suit of armor. The gold armor she is known to always be covered in, as well as her shield, staff, and a lance, can be viewed as her protective power. 


In lines 9 to 12 of the poem, it quotes, “She knows what you will do. She will make a plan to bring you to the ground. There is no hope for you if Athena wants you gone. You stand no chance.” This clearly describes that whatever Athena puts her sight and mind on, she will not back down, and no one has a chance going against her and winning. This shows how powerful Athena is and not only the power she holds from being a Goddess of war, but the knowledge and comprehension of strategic skills she has to win in battles. Athena’s combination of traits hold her at one of the most powerful Goddess’. 


The multimedia source I chose to examine in this post helps the reader approach The Odyssey from a critical and diverse view because it enthralls the readers with Athena’s description as this wise Goddess who holds a lot of power. Since it is known fact that Athena has been a loyal mentor and adviser to Odysseus and the book The Odyssey is about a man named Odysseus’ journey on returning home, it can leave readers curious about Odysseus and Athena’s connections, and what encounters Athena and Odysseus may have faced throughout the book.