2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

The Odyssey follows a man named Odysseus’s journey to get back to his homeland. To do so, he has many hurdles to jump and many monsters to kill. Over the course of the story, we the readers, are introduced to a wide cast of characters. But in this epic story of adventure and action, people often overlook one of the best characters, that is Penelope.

While delving into Penelope’s case study, I found a poem I thought was interesting and important in presenting a narrative that isn’t a big focus in the Odyssey, it takes place from the perspective of Penelope. In this poem, Penelope expresses her longing for Odysseus, hope, and eventual acceptance that he may never return. The poem beautifully captures the bittersweet and contemplative nature of waiting and the passage of time. The poem conveys a sense of resignation and the idea that waiting for someone who may never return can be a heartbreaking and futile endeavor.

She waited faithfully for her husband to return from his long journey. In Parker’s poem, she reflects on the idea that even the most faithful of lovers and the most patient of waiters can eventually lose hope and give in to the relentless march of time. I find Penelope’s story has a different tone from the rest of the story Odyssey. Odysseus is out doing indulging himself in the world around him often getting distracted from his goal of returning to his homeland while on the other hand Penelope is trapped in her home waiting for Odysseus to return home because that’s all she can really do. In some ways it’s harder than Odysseus’s journey.

The narrative I’m focusing on could rewrite the narrative to focus more on Penelope’s situation than Odysseus. In the current narrative of “the Odyssey” Penelope is portrayed as the faithful wife of Odysseus, who waits for his return from his long and perilous journey. She is often seen as a symbol of fidelity and patience. Parker’s poem “Penelope” reimagines this narrative by emphasizing the idea of loss and the passage of time. In this reimagined version, Penelope has accepted the fact that Odysseus may never return, and she has come to terms with her loneliness and the inevitability of change. This portrayal is a departure from the traditional view of Penelope in “The Odyssey.” it might depict Penelope as a more independent and self-reliant character, moving forward with her life despite the uncertainty of her husband’s return. The focus could shift to her own personal growth, struggles, and resilience as she navigates a world without Odysseus. This alternative narrative would explore the complexity of human emotions and the strength of character in the face of adversity, rather than placing a sole emphasis on the theme of waiting and fidelity. Such a retelling of the story could provide a fresh perspective on the character of Penelope and the challenges she faced in her husband’s absence, offering a more nuanced and contemporary take on her character and her journey.”