For my multi-media source, I chose the television series Gilmore Girls to be in comparison with my case study of Penelope. The TV show is about a mother and daughter duo dynamic, in which Rory, daughter to Lorelai, doesn’t have a father figure present in her life. The entire series is solely based on the two and how much they bond together, especially considering Lorelai had her as a teenager and are close in age. I believe that this can correlate back to my case study on Penelope in The Odyssey because it reminds me of the bond between Penelope and her son, Telemachus, after Odysseus left on his journey. Although the storylines of why the father is not in the picture do not relate the same way, it still made me think of Gilmore Girls because of the mother to child dynamic.
Further comparing Gilmore Girls and The Odyssey with each other, I believe the perspective of a mother is definitely more elaborate and descriptive throughout the television show. Such as the hardships of a single mother, the show does an amazing job of telling Lorelai’s story and her perspective of what it is like to raise a child on her own without the figure of a father. In The Odyssey, I feel as if the audience is more drawn to Telemachus as a character standing up for his kingdom while his father was gone, instead of shedding light on Penelope, her storyline, and her perspective as a mother raising Telemachus alone. Especially during the era of The Odyssey, the figure of a man is more drawn towards over the figure of a woman. Feminism alone did not become a strong movement up until the modern ages, and back then, females in general were looked down upon. Both Penelope and Lorelai in general are seen as strong, intelligent, independent, women who look after their child after the absence of a father, regardless of why they were absent being different. Hardships as a single mother in general have their downfalls and cons, but in the end make them a stronger human being. The two can also both be seen as loyal women. In Lorelai’s case, she is dedicated to giving Rory the life she was not able to have, being a teenager and not having to grow up too fast. She is also very devoted in her entrepreneurship of owning her own inn. In Penelope’s case, she is loyal to her husband who is away on a journey. Never did she once doubt his return and refused to marry anybody else while he was away. Their loyalty is shown throughout both storylines but could be more emphasized in The Odyssey.
In a general sense, I believe the feminist storyline alone can be shed more in The Odyssey. Penelope’s point of view is not talked about enough, along with her feelings and her perspective. It focuses more on other characters and shows Penelope as more of a side character. Before comparing the two, it took this assignment for me to realize Penelope’s side of the story is not spoken up enough throughout the book and has a lot of potential to bring a more clear vision to the story.