2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107


“The Smurf Odyssey” is an episode from the popular “The Smurfs” cartoon series, and it is a loose adaptation of Homer’s “The Odyssey,” with the Smurfs taking on the roles of the characters in the Greek epic. In this adaptation, Polyphemus is reimagined in the Smurf world. Although “The Smurfs” series is meant for kids, the writers put in the effort to show a new unrepresented perspective of Odysseus adults would be able to catch. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Polyphemus is depicted as a big scary monster who shows no mercy. However this adaptation is important because it explores a new side of Polyphemus that shows universal human and emotional experiences.

In the cartoon, the time whirlwind drops the Smurfs into another time and place, this time with them wearing Grecian-style clothing. They set out on a journey mirroring Odysseus’ exploring this foreign ancient world. On their mission to get back to smurf land, their ship reached the island of the Cyclops(Polyphemus). While exploring the island in search of an item to help get them home, they hear loud pounding footsteps and see the Cyclops coming out of his cave. They attempt to hide from the Cyclops by hiding in a bowl. However, When the Cyclops sees the Smurfs cowering inside his bowl, he quickly becomes fearful and jumps onto a tree branch to escape them, only for it to break off. One of the smurf’s notices how the Cyclops is more afraid of the Smurfs than they are of him. Even worse is that he says he doesn’t like that everybody thinks that he’s such a “meanie”, which is why he doesn’t have any friends. Smurfette says that they will offer to be his friends, which makes the Cyclops so grateful that he lets them call him Polyphemus.

The narrative of the cyclops portrayed in “The Smurf Odyssey” represents Polyphemus in a fresh and new perspective, beyond his traditional portrayal as a menacing Cyclops. In the original story, the cyclops is portrayed as a heartless villain who is greatly feared. In this adaptation, Polyphemus shows his vulnerability by telling the smurfs how his feelings are hurt because everyone thinks he is “meanie.” By delving into Polyphemus’ emotions and motivations, we gain insight into his loneliness, isolation, and unfulfilled desires, which are often overlooked in the original epic. This approach is insightful for revisiting “The Odyssey” because it encourages readers to question the one-sided portrayal of characters in classical literature. Most importantly, it prompts a more empathetic understanding of their experiences. My narrative embodies empathy by humanizing Polyphemus and highlighting his vulnerability when scared by the smurf. This allows readers to connect with his character on a deeper level. “The Smurf Odyssey” demonstrates how various artistic interpretations, adaptations, and reimagines of Polyphemus provide a critical and diverse lens to the audience. This new perspective can be used to explore “The Odyssey” further. They enrich the narrative by offering alternative viewpoints and emphasizing the universality of human emotions and experiences, making the epic more relatable and engaging for modern audiences.