2023: A Space Odyssey

A Course Site for English 107

In this image we can see many things such as a group of people sitting together at a table along with someone standing and talking to someone. Just like in book one of the Odyssey, this picture shows Odysseus’s family looking sad or upset that he isn’t home and wont be coming home for a while. The reason i chose this piece of media to represent my own personal narrative is because it demonstrates another angle at which the chapter can be read at. With my last discussion post I had a photo that allowed me to see how Odysseus can affect his family while not even being home, and in this photo I can see something similar but I see how it affects there emotions not there actions. Having this image to cover the emotions side of the story, coupled with the image I used in the last discussion post to help cover the physical party of the story can lead me to create a better personal narrative. This is mainly because it will allow me to get a full understanding of what this first book is trying to say and what I can take from it. Really how Odysseus has affected his family’s emotions and actions.

As stated above on of the viewpoints I failed to gain from the reading was both the emotional side of Odysseus’s disappearance and the physical aspect of his disappearance. What I gained from this photo above was the emotional side and some of the physical, but still lacked more info on the idea of decision making process that Odysseus’s family had to go through after finding out the he was not coming home for a while. This is not really that big of an idea that I need to fully understand the book but could defiantly help me with my understanding. Another thing I think the photo above is missing is a way to see how the suitors are affected mentally and physically. In the book we are given a pretty good understanding but at the same time if the image could provide more of that then I could create a better personal narrative given all the characters emotions involved. The suitors in the book are seen as mean and evil people, but I believe the have more to them then just these labels that the readers are forced to give them. If the photo gave me more evidence on how they really act and think then I can take that and add it to my understanding about the chapter.

My narrative embodies reading empathy by delving into the character’s inner thoughts and emotions, offering a more intimate perspective on Odysseus’ experience. It allows readers to connect with the hero on a deeper level, feeling his longing for home, his frustration in the face of divine interference, and his determination to overcome the odds. By emphasizing the human and emotional elements of the story, this narrative reimagines The Odyssey in a way that resonates with contemporary readers, making this book more relatable and relevant.