Tasks, Schedule and Products
- Documentation and Analysis, Weeks 1-3
W1: W-F, September 29 and October 1 Wednesday
- Modality, Overview and Processes: Objectives, Fine Grained Socio-Ecological Design
- Course Modality: In-studio, Zoom (remote or at desk) and AV room, 12pm
- Studio Description: Urban Ecology + Phenomena 12:30pm
- Parque Agrario Fluvial Manzanares-jarama, Madrid (PDF, slides, movie) + Phenomenology in Architecture
- Aldayjover process
- SA+UD process
- Modality, Overview and Processes: Objectives, Fine Grained Socio-Ecological Design
- Introductions
- Introduction to Students – 2pm
- Introduction to Studio: Territory and Phenomena – 2:30pm
- Reading discussion: 2, 4 and section 3pm
- ***Break*** 3:30pm
- Urban Ecological Systems
- Overview of systems 4pm
- Traditional: open space, transit/mobility, uses Google Earth (fix) (Elk Fri)
- 1) Google Earth and 2) PDF, 3D and other data from Jesus
- Urban Ecology: water, energy, air quality, heat island, wind, soil topography; animal habitat, vegetation; digital connectivity, social interaction, inclusion, recreation, local/non-local
- [research and choose system – find problem]
- Traditional: open space, transit/mobility, uses Google Earth (fix) (Elk Fri)
- Get to know Climate and Culture – 4:30pm
- Wiki, news articles, scientific journals, movies, documentaries (Spain, Madrid, neighborhood) [Blog post]
- Energy Plus Weather data via Ladybug week 2
- Wiki, news articles, scientific journals, movies, documentaries (Spain, Madrid, neighborhood) [Blog post]
- Program – Centro Socio-ambiental or office/ co-working, living, centro de hipica (Equestrian Center), zona deportiva (Sports), others?! 5pm [research & choose]
- Overview of systems 4pm
- Answer Questions and reminder to prep for Elk tutorial 5:30pm [prep Elk]
- Kickoff meeting and discussion with Jesus Arcos 12pm
- Jesus and Alday Jover introduction
- Project introduction [questions and deep dive one Aldayjover project]
- Gather and Pinup, Site analysis [digital or physical]
- assign problem statement, wiki + news, maps at territory scale, larger site, zoom, unit research, timeline over year,
- Grasshopper tutorial, Elk and some GH fundamentals [maps for your interest]
W2: W-F, October 6 and 8
- Pin-Up (+ review site planning documentation)
- Define ecological design idea (problem): what, who, why important
- Phenomenology Precedents in Madrid/Spain
- Statistical Research with comparison site [Climate and Infographics]
- Setup shared on-site database and maps for indicators [Google Sheets]
- Review documentation Analysis
- System analysis tool
- Grasshopper tutorial, Ladybug, Energy Plus Weather Data [Diagrams]
- Desk crits
W3: W-F, October 13 and 15
- Group review (+ review documentation)
- Phenomenology, conditions to performative scenarios
- Case study: Ned Kahn, Herzog de Mueron, James Corner, Paricio Clotet
- Tool application to multiple sites [Application to existing and new graphics from tools]
- Tool to Programming Analysis, Test Mass [zoning line diagrams, bullet points]
- Design information interface and urban intervention
- Desk crits
- Project Synthesis, System development, Weeks 4-6
W4: W-F, October 20 and 22
- Part I Presentation and Review with stakeholders
Overview Part II
- Explanation of Part II: Systems + Phenomena Design
- Selection by team of sites [drawing and models] 2 person teams
- Selection of team role: site and building
- Documentation neighborhood master plan [plans, digital site model] studio group
- Systems Analysis Tool application to territory and building [urban planning and urban design guidelines / tool suggestion] individual
- Programming refinement [bar and pie chart diagrams, 2D and 3D diagrams]
- Comprehensive Systems design: structural, enclosure, cheating and cooling. [text and diagrams]
W5: W-F, November 3 and 5
- Review objectives
- Pinup / desk crits
- Urban Ecological Analysis Tool Development, assess application during design process and or life of project and scale of application
- Scenario studies, conditions of the material affect over time (measured phenomenon at site) [story board conditions as scenarios of material affect]
- Urban Architecture, envelope and attachment (‘phenol/geno’ relationship) [wall sections, wall axonometric, wall detail, unit/system positions over time]
W6: W-F, November 10 and 12
- Review Objectives
- Desk Crits
- Part II Review
PART III. Urban Ecological Architecture Development, Weeks 7-9
W7: W-F, November 10 and 12
- Rhino workshop, 3D to 2D
- Review Structural backgrounds and assign 1:10 + 1:5 [Wall Section + Blowups] for Enclosure / Filter
- Discuss Team Roles!!
- Crits (print out 11×17)
W8: W-F, November 17 and 19
- 5:30am deadline to submit Weblog post category “3.5 strct+encl” of material for Stephen to review
- 12pm – Discuss Structure + Enclosure comments from Stephen
- 1pm – Assign 1:1 models mockup, 6” [model] source materials, test techniques
- 2pm – desk crits
- 4pm Structural + Enclosure Review with Architect Stephen Maher, CO
- Design Development: from unit to system
- Discuss final deliverables list
- Final Integrated Models, 1/8” [models]
- Pre Final Review + desk crits
W10: Friday, December 3, 8:30am-12:30pm
- Final Presentation
[Movie via Premiere, drawings and models posted to website] tbd *some items to be submitted after final review