Elk and Grasshopper stopped liking me on my desktop which led to the lack of maps and mapping unfortunatally. I now need help troubleshooting which…
**you really need to copy graphics and outline from previous research projects like this: HOLISTIC HABITAT, DIVERSITY OF SPACES, others Format: Pages 1-6 to Supersquare…
Towards a self-sufficient habitat, by Vicente Gaullart, Head of Urbanism, City of Barcelona http://elpais.com/diario/2009/03/28/opinion/1238194813_850215.html This economic crisis is a fantastic starting point to physically change…
http://landezine.com/index.php/2012/07/passeig-de-st-joan-boulevard-by-lola-domenech/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_BFY1ilPOXDBx2iHcwGtuUs7DndMYwOJ7QYWsMICjYYg-1633105926-0-gqNtZGzNAiWjcnBszQO9 passeig de sant joan boulevard _ phase 2_bcn Dentro de la trama isótropa de calles de 20m. de ancho planeada por Cerdà , éste…