Reading Response – Kyle White

Some quick thoughts from the readings:

Phenomenon of Place

Intro:  In other lectures, I have heard about the concept of genius loci from Norberg Shultz, but not 100% certain of what it is.

Reading:  The reading on phenomenology outlines an approach to architecture that stresses the emotional and psychological nature of architecture, rather than its formal structure.  One of the most interesting points for me was the discussion of “identity” and its separation from character.  It is important to remember that the project is in a completely different culture than our own, so how can we recognize and create the “emotional security” necessary for identity of place.  I will be challenged to design with a different context of the culture, temperature, weather, and daily lives of Madrid.

Envelope : Faculty Conversation

This conversation seems to date back to the early 2000’s, as the speakers reference the 9/11 attacks, which I think is also reflected in the discourse.  The faculty reference the underlying process of the building envelope design through past architectural practice (1980’s) and compare it to the contemporary responsibilities of architects today.  The conversation healthily discusses the importance of form, materiality, scale, and context in envelope design.  It is interesting to hear this group discuss the importance of symmetry and connections in the façade, which seem like secondary decisions to me.