The social neuroendocrinology pre-conference will be held on Thursday, January 17, 2013 in Room 214 on the second level of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
8:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:10am Welcome and Opening Remarks, Justin Carré
9:15am Oxytocin and Vasopressin Links to Cognition and Social Behavior
Carsten de Dreu, Alexa Veenema & Michelle Wirth
10:30am Coffee Break and Badge Pick-Up for Main Conference
10:40am Data Blitz Session
11:50am Lunch (on your own)
12:55pm Stress, Development, Genetics and Social Behavior
Ryan Bogdan, Cheryl McCormick, Elizabeth Page-Gould & Richard Slatcher
2:35pm Coffee Break and Badge Pick-Up for Main Conference
2:50pm Steroid Hormones, Dominance, and Status
Amy Cuddy, Matt Fuxjager, Gary Sherman & Zach Simmons
4:30pm Closing Remarks, Carsten de Dreu