Course Description
The Green Cities course is part of the curriculum for the University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy and Management. The course examines the history and future of the interface between urban growth and environmental concerns, and the technological, social, and political forces that continue to shape it.
Smart Mobility Focus Topic
Smart Mobility, is the promotion of sustainable mobility that guarantees accessibility, transport systems, parking management, and the solution of environmental problems.
Smart Mobility must be a triangle, that affects the environment (efficient transport systems at the level of energy consumption), economy (maximizes productivity), and society (higher quality of life for the citizen).
Therefore, the objectives of the Smart Mobility can be summarized in the following:
– Improve the quality of life of the citizen.
– Reduce environmental impact.
– Improve the planning and efficiency of public transport means.
– Reduce congestion and citizen frustration.
– Optimize parking spaces and their management.
– Prioritize the citizen in the field of mobility.
Smart Mobility seeks a paradigm change and tends toward a multimodal transport system with high flexibility and convenience, based on intelligent management, which is known as Mobility-as-a-service. [Geographica]