The state-of-the-art facilities at the SLRL include:
- Ten sound-attenuated run rooms equipped with computers for behavioral studies, including spoken language production and perception
- Each running room houses both Mac and PC computer setups, headphones, and optional recording set ups
- Most running rooms are equipped with serial response boxes and voice keys from Psychology Software Tools for computer-independent response-time measurement
- One sound room is complete with a desktop-mounted Eyelink 1000 eyetracker, which allows for real-time investigation of spoken language processing in the visual world
- One pair of running rooms includes a window between them to allow for conversational experimental paradigms
- Two sound booths furnished with recording equipment
- Two child-friendly rooms equipped with computers for experiments on first language acquisition
- One additional room for experiments investigating naturalistic conversation
- Computer work rooms and collaboration rooms for faculty, graduate students, undergraduate research assistants, and postdoctoral researchers