
Office: Violette Hall 2148 (Truman State University, Kirksville, MO)
Email: slacina at truman dot edu

Hello! My name is Stephen Lacina. I’m an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at Truman State University. I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Oregon in June 2023. My advisor was Patricia Hersh. My research interests are in topological and algebraic combinatorics, particularly posets, poset topology, simplicial complexes, discrete Morse theory, and Coxeter groups.

I was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at Furman University. Before my PhD, I earned a masters in mathematics from North Carolina State University, and prior to that, bachelors degrees in math and physics from the University of Oklahoma. Outside of math, I love playing traditional Irish music on my fiddle, reading, hiking, mushroom hunting, and learning about nearly anything.