Curt Simic, Sr.
A box of Crayolas—just 8 colors but enough to give a child a chance to try to express what seems important to her. Boys draw horses or sports figures. Girls draw prettier things. Sometimes they get put on the refrigerator door but more often they get put in a box or a folder. Many just get thrown out. That sounds sad but the pleasure & satisfaction in just “making” something that is your very own stays with you.
Life gets busier & the Crayolos are forgotten. But then children come along and you play with them, read the funny papers to them or maybe copy a picture of Donald Duck for them. That happened to me. Laura or Curt or Julie would make a few lines on a paper & I would try to turn it into a picture. And, from time to time create a story to go along with the image. It happened most with Laura, less with Curt & still less with Julie.
But now Laura is painting in water colors, Curt is trying every way he can to reach his high school students including through images & Julie has acquired the greatest level of the understanding of art of anyone in the family.
Knowing just a little about how they are coping, we have some things to share. But the family Art Gallery has brought us together with a new look at an old interest. We are having fun!
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